Here you can find great resources and supplementary materials for all levels to create engaging and effective lessons.

Shaping the Way We Teach English: Successful Practices Around the World
A teacher-training course consisting of fourteen video-based modules. Each modules is a ten to fifteen minute video segment with examples.

Shaping the Way We Teach English: From Observation to Action
Shaping the Way We Teach English: From Observation to Action is a series of video-based training materials for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators. These materials provide the opportunity for teachers to observe 13 full-length videos of real classes and guide them to evaluate the teaching practices, adapt the materials and techniques to suit their own teaching needs, act upon the insights gained by implementing new ideas, and reflect on these ideas to develop a variety of pedagogical skills.

Bright Ideas: A Teacher’s Resource Manual
Bright Ideas: A Teacher’s Resource Manual offers twenty-six practical teaching strategies and techniques that originally appeared in Ideas Plus, a special series of publications produced by the National Council of Teachers of English.Bright Ideas: A Teacher’s Resource Manual offers twenty-six practical teaching strategies and techniques that originally appeared in Ideas Plus, a special series of publications produced by the National Council of Teachers of English. These contributions come from instructors of English in elementary, junior, and senior high schools and colleges throughout the United States of America.

The Lighter Side of TEFL, Volume 1
A collection of activities taken from “The Lighter Side,” a recurring feature section in English Teaching Forum that first appeared in 1976.

The Lighter Side of TEFL, Volume 2
The Lighter Side of TEFL, Volume 2, is a teacher’s resource book of fun activities for students of English as a Foreign Language.
This third edition of The Lighter Side of TEFL contains activities mainly taken from English Teaching Forum from 2004 to the present. A few puzzles that were published prior to 2004 are included. The puzzles are grouped into categories by type. The categories also progress from letter- and word-based activities to more complex exercises involving reading and writing skills.

Creative Classroom Activities
Creative Classroom Activities is the second of a two-volume anthology of articles published between 1989 and 1993 in English Teaching Forum. This text is practical in nature, focusing on teaching techniques and classroom materials developed by teachers around the world. The articles are divided into the following categories: Activating Communication, Developing Materials, Teaching Reading, Teaching Writing, and Teaching Literature. This text is intended for in-service and pre-service teachers and teacher trainers in public and private institutions.

The Color Vowel Chart
This is a powerful tool for teaching spoken English. It helps teachers incorporate pronunciation into lessons. Check out the chart, the teacher’s guide, and the webinar on how to teach with The Color Vowel Chart.

The Monster Book of Language Teaching Activities
The Monster Book, has over 150 activities intended to liven up the language classroom, giving students active options for practicing the four skills.
The Monster Book is a collection of over 150 activities intended to liven up the language classroom, engage students in learning, and give instructors straightforward, active options for practicing the four skills and tapping into other elements of language such as grammar, vocabulary, critical thinking, and culture. Many of these activities have been used in the field for several years and are compiled here with simple, clear instructions and variations to fit a wide range of classroom contexts.

Trace Effects Teacher's Manual
This Trace Effects manual provides information on teaching using online games and gives ideas for extending beyond the game using easy, interactive tasks.
The Trace Effects Teacher’s Manual provides teachers a resource to learn how to teach English using Trace Effects, the exciting, collaborative English language learning game developed by the Department of State. The manual provides information on teaching using online games and gives ideas for extending beyond the game using easy, interactive tasks.

Create to Communicate: Art Activities for the EFL
Looking for ways to add art activities to your English language classroom? Create to Communicate is filled with great activities and lessons that use art to foster English language development.
This book is intended for English language teachers who would like to reap the benefits that the visual arts provide, but are unsure of where or how to begin. By providing language objectives matched with art ideas and guidelines, this book seeks to use the arts as a tool to build and strengthen English reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and develop the confidence students need to take risks and explore within a new language.

Professional Communication Skills for Leaders
Professional Communication Skills for Leaders is a curriculum to help mid- to upper-level government officials develop the capacity and confidence to use English for conferences and meetings. Presentation skills form the main focus of the project.

In the Loop
This book is a wonderful reference guide to American English idioms for your classroom. The book includes idioms and their meanings, a list of idioms by theme, some ready-to-use classroom activities, and a comprehensive index.
In The Loop is a reference guide to American English idioms. It will not only help students learn the meaning of American idioms, but also give them an understanding of the history, culture, values, and beliefs these idioms reflect.