The Lighter Side of TEFL is a collection of activities taken from “The Lighter Side,” a recurring feature section in English Teaching Forum that first appeared in 1976. The text includes word games, crossword puzzles, idioms, limericks, jokes, riddles, and international folk tales. Each activity is self-contained on one page for easy duplication by the teacher and includes teaching suggestions and an answer key.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Word Games

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on word games, which reinforce learned vocabulary.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Crossword Puzzles

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on crossword puzzles, a challenging word game in which students must decide which word satisfies the clue and fits the number of available spaces.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Idioms

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on idioms, which are expressions that cannot be understood literally.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Limericks

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on limericks, which are light, nonsensical verses of five lines in which the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other and the third and fourth lines, shorter in form, make up a rhymed couplet.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Jokes and Riddles

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on jokes and riddles, which play with language and make people laugh at the same time. This section has an audio component.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Puzzle Stories

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on puzzle stories, which are “thinking” games that get students to think about what they are listening to or reading. This section has an audio component.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Shaggy Dog Stories

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on shaggy dog stories, which are long-winded tales that gradually work up to a surprise ending. This section has an audio component.

The Lighter Side of TEFL: Folk Wisdom

This section of The Lighter Side of TEFL focuses on folk wisdom from different cultures around the world. This section has an audio component.